Institut Dr. Foerster GmbH & Co. KG invests nine million Euro into the expansion and modernization of its Headquarters in Reutlingen - further strengthening its development department and giving its employees long-term job security.
The new building will be home to the technical assembly center TECHNIKUM 2 and the new cafeteria. TECHNIKUM 2 will host water-coupled ultrasonic test systems and other projects. To bring the development and system engineering departments up-to-date, their current offices will be remodeled and the hallway will be transformed into a bridge creating direct access to the cafeteria. Acting as a social meeting place, employees and guests alike will have the opportunity to wind down from their busy schedules while enjoying a freshly-cooked meal in a relaxed setting.
Architect Michael Frey of the Architectural Offices Schmelzle & Partner had already been in charge of the technical assembly center TECHNIKUM 1, the production department of the Test Systems Division as well as Logistics. After this great success he will again be the Lead Construction Manager this time.
With a groundbreaking ceremony, President Felix Förster, GM Thomas Himmler and Head of HR Dirk Heimann gave the official go-ahead for construction to start working on the new company building. Architect Michael Frey and Max Bachteler, Manager of the civil engineering company JMS GmbH & Co. KG, assisted with their spades and Mr. Förster did not pass up the chance to excavate some dirt with the big excavator shovel himself.
The celebration concluded with cool drinks and icecream on this hot late summer afternoon.